This is an app for learning English pronunciation and phonics provided by Hans Media.This is a 5-step phonics program comprised of this APP, a textbook that allows you to systematically learn the basics of phonics from alphabet sounds to reading stories.You can learn phonics in an easier and more fun way through exciting chants and various activities.[Step-by-step learning objectives]Level 1: Alphabet Sounds (Single Letter Sounds)Level 2: Short VowelsLevel 3: Long VowelsLevel 4: Double Letter ConsonantsLevel 5: Double Letter VowelsSelf-directed and repeated learning of what you have learned through various activities and fun gamesMain Study / Chant Learn the pitch and naturally learn the target pitch by singing along with the chant.Practice Develop learning skills of target sounds and words through listening, writing, and sentence reading activitiesStory Improve reading skills by actively reading stories composed of phonics target words and solving problemsActivity Sheet Organize unit learning through various activities that add fun